Musical Bridges

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Ocean Time

This warm weather brings the opportunity to explore topics such as the ocean, bugs, summer clothes, vacations, water play, and more.  One of our favorite songs involves using an ocean drum while we sing an adapted version of All The Fish Are Swimming in the Water by Jackie Silberg.  I show the children an ocean drum which is full of different sizes and colors of fish along with sea shells and crabs.  Taking turns, one child picks the fish he/she wants to sing about inside the drum.  Using the words below as a base, we choose what size and color fish will be incorporated into our song.  Whenever we sing “splash,” the children get to shake the drum quickly and loudly, making it sound just like ocean waves.  This provides a very unique sensory experience for the children.  I hope you’ll give it a try!   

Recite this verse in a slow, low voice, with large, exaggerated motions:

The great big fish is swimming in the water
Swimming in the water
Swimming in the water
The great big fish is swimming in the water
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble…SPLASH!

This verse is chanted in a high, squeaky voice, with little motions:

The little bitty fish are swimming in the water
Swimming in the water
Swimming in the water
The little bitty fish are swimming in the water
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble…SPLASH!