Musical Bridges

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Telehealth Opportunities

During this uncertain time, many music therapists across the globe have transitioned to providing music therapy services online. Musical Bridges is no exception. Many of our clients have been logging in to their individual Google Meet link each week to make music with us live, and it has been wonderful! It is great to see our friends’ smiling faces and hear the lovely music they make. Through the screens, we continue to play instruments, sing songs, and dance together. You can use your own instruments from home, borrow some of ours, or have fun making your own out of common items in your house, like pots and pans!

Siblings, parents, and other family members have been able to join in on the fun all from the comfort and safety of their homes. Many of us may feel isolated these past months. Logging in to a music therapy session can be a fantastic way to get some social interaction that we may be missing right now. Even though it seems everything is different at the moment, our clients continue to adapt and work hard towards their individual goals. 

We have also been teaching piano, guitar, clarinet, violin, and drum lessons virtually through Google Meet. Our students have been making fantastic progress! Some have even started learning a new instrument completely online with us, never having an in-person lesson yet. With the extra time spent at home, consider possibly learning a new instrument, or even returning to an instrument you haven’t played in years. We are here to work with you at any level or age. Learning an instrument and making music can bring joy and comfort at a time like this.