We invite you to see our fully-equipped, sensory-friendly therapy center in person. We offer 1:1 and group sessions using our neuroscience and play-based learning approach.

Waiting Room stocked with toys, water, snacks, and reading materials for parents

Yellow Treatment Room with 88 note piano, swing hook, table, wobble chairs, and plenty of instruments

Red Treatment Room with 88 note piano, swing hook, table, wobble chairs, ball, and plenty of instruments

Blue Sensory Room with couch, weighted blanket, floor tiles, swing hook, fidget toys, light feature, and calm down kit

Green Group Room with two picture windows, parent chairs, tv for teletherapy, and plenty of room for fun

Handicapped Accessible Bathroom with changing table, child seat, and child stool

Instrument Storage closet

Fully Equipped Kitchen to work on life skills

Purple Staff Workroom

Front Door #B11