Neurologic Music Therapy Techniques and Benefits for Autism

At Musical Bridges one of the primary populations we work with are individuals with autism. Individuals can benefit greatly from the use of different Neurologic Music Therapy techniques. Autism has neurological elements that can have an impact mutiple areas of life, and NMT targets the neurologic intricacies of diagnoses.

Below we will detail some of the ways NMT can benefit individuals with autism and work towards their personal goals.

Autism and NMT

Autism deals with neurologic and developmental delays, this links directly into Neurologic Music Therapy. We approach therapy from the neurologic standpoint, addressing the sensory motor system, cognitive development, and how the brain reacts to different stimuli.

Using NMT we can address the following:

  • Improving social skills

    • Through the use of speech and cognitive NMT techniques we are able to address the multitude of skills that socialization utilizes. Through different speech techniques we can work on conversational skills, self-advocacy, independence, and more. We can utilize structured activities to target these aspects of socialization along with group settings within therapy.

      • SYCOM® - Symbolic Communication Training Through Music

        • This is just one of the many techniques that can help with social skills. With this technique we work on the non-verbal aspects of socializing such as turn-taking for example, which reflects conversational skills. This could look like taking turns playing a drum which mimics taking turns during a conversation. This can also reflect different emotions and nonverbal cues one might need to address within a social situation.

  • Enhancing communication

    • Speech techniques are the main contenders for communication. We can practice social cues, phrases, volume, vocal tone, etc. to increase communication independence and clarity. The use of music can cue speech, teach new language, practice oral motor function, and more.

      • DSLM® - Developmental Speech and Language Training Through Music

        • This technique is one we utilize with a majority of our clients. We can address a variety of speech needs. Using developmentally appropriate songs, as well as familiar songs can assist in the procurement of language skills along with eliciting language use. This works with alternative communication including sign-language and AAC devices. This could be done through the use of an individual’s favorite song or created songs reflecting the language desired including specific phrases.

  • Regulating emotions

    • A variety of techniques can be used to address emotional regulation, Cognitive functions are the main components in emotional regulation where we can improve on emotional intelligence, appropriate reactions, and communicating within emotional situations. Music can be used to soothe and work through difficult emotions along with identifying emotions.

      • MPC® - Music Psychotherapy and Counseling

        • Utilizing this technique, we can address mood and affect through improvisation, composition, and music listening. This also plays into social interactions and regulation as well. We can explore emotions through this technique and address ways to cope with them.

  • Improving sensory processing

    • Sensory integration is a huge part of what we do, when someone is dis-regulated little to no progress can be made. We make it a priority to address sensory needs within our therapy sessions so that we set our clients up for success. This could look like bilateral drumming, body squeezes, bouncing on a ball, altered lighting, etc. NMT allows for this sensory integration to occur within the sensorimotor techniques.

      • APT® - Auditory Perception Training

        • The idea of this technique is to help individuals integrate different sensory systems to help facilitate and encourage a n ideal learning environment. We utilize APT® to help individuals feel comfortable and regulated throughout sessions when they need it, many times this includes incorporating music and movement to help align the different sensory systems.

  • Facilitating motor skills

    • The specific motor techniques in NMT focus first on the practical motor function being addressed whether it is fine or gross motor. This could include walking, climbing stairs, pressing buttons on a communication device, holding different utensils (i.e. cutlery and writing), and so much more. We can utilize a variety of instruments in nontraditional ways to build up the motor skills being addressed.

      • TIMP® - Therapeutic Instrumental Performance

        • TIMP® uses musical instruments to imitate functional motor skills. This could look like stepping down on a handbell or drum to imitate walking or climbing stairs. As well we might use rhythm sticks to imitate holding a pencil and playing with a tripod grasp rather than a palmar grasp.

  • Increasing attention

    • There are four types of attention NMT focuses on within MACT® Musical Attention Control Training. We can address sustained, alternating, divided, and selective. This technique can improve attention to task, multi-tasking, limiting distractions, and switching tasks.

      • MACT® - Musical Attention Control Training

        • Attention is something anyone can struggle with in a multitude of scenarios. We can work with this technique to address very specific types of attention. One of our favorite ways to work on attention includes having different percussion/handheld instruments assigned different strum patterns on the guitar. An individual will then have to focus and switch their attention by changing instruments based on the strum pattern being played by the therapist.

  • Promoting self-expression and creativity

    • Music is inherently creative. Though NMT is heavily research and data driven it does not cut down on the creative and expressive aspects of music. Through the different techniques improvisation and self-expression are intermingled and encouraged.

      • While no one technique address this area through the use of the other NMT techniques we can support and encourage self-expression and creativity. Speech techniques assist in self-advocacy through communication. Cognitive techniques give individuals tools to accomplish different tasks that require sequencing, attention, and more. Sensorimotor techniques help with motos skills required to accomplish tasks as well as helping individuals regulate to be able to feel comfortable with their senses.

  • Supporting cognitive skills

    • Cognitive function is such a large focus of NMT, with the most curated techniques falling under this category. Through these techniques we can work on sequencing, problem-solving, academic concepts, memory, and more.

      • MEFT® - Musical Executive Functioning Training

        • Through MEFT® we work on a vast array of executive functioning tasks that correlate to activities of daily living. We love to include musically adapted board games and other similar activities to encourage problem-solving, academic concepts, and memory. Another aspect we focus on is academic concepts that require executive functioning skills such as math and reading.

Out staff has ample experience working with individuals with autism, we also focus on learning all that we can regarding NMT and autism. There are support groups and meetings with fellow NMT’s that Musical Bridges staff attend to stay up to date on techniques, research, and ideas on how to best serve our clients.

With the structures and individualization NMT provides we can support the development and continued growth of our clients.

Delve further into how NMT affects our practice and how it can benefit you in the following articles.


Can I Benefit From Music Therapy if I Don’t Have a Diagnosis? 


Types of Therapy for Autism: 9 Therapies To Consider