Happy 2013

It’s hard to believe 2013 is already here.  With each passing year it seems time flies by even faster.  Every year around this time people tend to make goals or resolutions of what they’d like to change or advance in throughout the coming year.  Common goals include self improvement, weight loss, money matters, and relationships.  However, according to Statistic Brain only 8% of people are actually successful in achieving their resolutions.

I’m excited about the start of a brand new year. There is so much to look forward to in 2013; so much, in fact, that I decided not to overwhelm myself with any HUGE goals or resolutions. I’m one of the crazy ones- I know!  In 2013 I am making a promise to myself and you to set an example in productivity, creativity, and progress in both my work and personal life.

If I were to wish for anything for us both, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of potential — for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible.

Life comes only one time so live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment. Happy New Year!


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