Music Therapy Featured on PBS Newshour


I recently discovered PBS newshour broadcast from February 27th, 2012 that included a report on the power of music therapy in treating brain injuries and helping patients recover. The video follows the story of (former) Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ recovery from the serious brain injury she incurred due to a gunshot. Both the Congresswoman and her family credit music therapy for helping get her voice back.

The article states that music is now being used to help patients with a wide variety of illnesses not just brain trauma. Kiff Gallagher from the Center for Music National Services says that: “It’s definitely been shown that music can make a positive impact on people suffering from early-onset dementia, kids with autism, with veterans who are coming back and trying to learn to walk without a limb.”

Watch the video online to get more insight into Giffords’ recovery and the healing power of music therapy.


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