Come here often to find the latest tips, news, and activities you can use at home

Fall 2023 Newsletter
Even though most of the fall season has passed, we want to share some stories and highlights. We are so thankful for our community and the time we get to spend with you! Read ahead to learn about our new therapist, Ms. Proctor as well as some upcoming events for the new semester.

Summer 2022 Newsletter
It's hard to believe that summer is coming to an end! We've had so much fun making music with you this summer! Musical Bridges music groups are still the perfect place to make friends, play, and learn! Please read ahead to some amazing summer highlights as well as new and revised groups coming up this fall.

Winter 2023 Newsletter
Happy New Year! We have exciting news to share of our group classes, summer camp, early promo codes, new hire, and licensure bill. Things have been busy around here as I'm sure they are for you too this time of year. Please read ahead and let us know if we can help you in any way.

Summer 2022 Newsletter
While it's nearly fall by the time this summer newsletter arrives, we wanted to wait until we had plenty of news to share with you before sending. We are so excited to share with you about our clinic space, group opportunities, and community events planned over the next several months.

Winter 2022 Newsletter
Learn more about our newest hire, Ms. Jess, and read about our summer camps for 2022.

Summer Newsletter ‘21
Read ahead to find out all the exciting happenings this summer and fall with Musical Bridges. Meet our new therapist Ms. Millie and find out about Music in the Park, a free community event in September!

Spring 2021 Newsletter
Read ahead to find out all the exciting opportunities this spring and summer with Musical Bridges. Learn how to make a rainbow music craft and sing a song about spending spring time at home.

Winter 2021 Newsletter
We are excited to share with you about all of the happenings this winter with Musical Bridges. Discover new group classes in February and March, a special song for your Valentine, tips to incorporate music into your life, celebrate accomplishments of our students this past quarter, and MUCH more!