Word of the Year 2021

Word of the Year 2021.png

Have you ever created a word of the year for yourself or your business? We hadn’t until this year, but I’m really excited to have one theme for the entirety of 2021.

There’s never been a year in history like 2020 where everyone across the globe has been impacted by the same thing at the same time. It’s brought us together but unfortunately, due to the contagious nature of Covid-19, it’s also brought us apart.

We are focusing this year on ways to connect our clients and staff together to strengthen their bonds. We want to seek out and create opportunities for networking in person and virtually so not only we but our clients can have access to a variety of service offerings. We want to reach out to all ages from our youngest to the elderly and connect them with others musically to create a sense of belonging that only making music together can accomplish.

These are just some of our aspirations for 2021. Tell us in the comments what your word for 2021 is. What ways would you like us to connect with you?


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Happy New Year 2021